Centennial, Colorado High School Senior Pictures | Jordan

Meet Jordan!  He’s a senior at Regis Jesuit High School.  He is passionate about soccer, music, and his faith. He plans to go out of state to college and continue on to become a lawyer. It’s been so fun to watch him grow from just a little guy on the field playing soccer with my son, to the wonderful young man he is today.  Although the burning wildfires of Colorado gave us some smoke the day of his session, it created some beautiful hazy sunlight that I just fell in love with.  Here’s more about Jordan.

Tell me why you want to become a lawyer, and what kind of law you want to practice.

I want to become a lawyer because law is something that interests me and I think it will challenge me. I am interested in being a corporate lawyer or family lawyer.

How has the pandemic changed your thinking about school, your future, or just life in general?

The pandemic has completely changed life for me. Right now I would be in full swing soccer season, going to school, going to football games, etc. I think that this pandemic has showed me how undefined the future is. How anything can happen and nothing is for certain. 

Do you have any thoughts on what you’d like to do after you graduate?

I want to go to college and get my degree.

Tell me one thing you hope to accomplish your senior year.

I want to finish the year with straight A’s.

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

I would tell myself to do my best in school and to not stress about the little things.

Jordan, it was so delightful to spend some time with you, and to be a part of your senior in this way.  You are going to rock your senior year, and I hope you enjoy that yoga class.  <giggle>

Parker, Colorado High School Senior Photographer
Telling YOUR Story






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