Parker, CO Baby One Year Old Cake Pictures | Emmy

This is Emmy!  She just turned one and her family is celebrating!  When I first met Emmy as a newborn, her mom told me that she will always be in bows and frills!  You can see her darling newborn session here.  Mom shared with me a year later that it’s true: Emmy can always ben found wearing headbands and bows.  So sweet!  I adore the way Mom styled Emmy’s One Year Smash Cake Session and her simple, well coordinated props.  I’ve included links to these items if any of my future smash cake clients love them too!

Shop for the Headband here.

Find the Banner here.

What makes Emmy smile?

Emmy is always smiling and her sweet smile lights up our whole world! She smiles when she sees her pink bunny, her Mama and Dada, when we play with her airplane, and so many other things! She is such a happy little girl! 

What are some of her favorite things to do?

The swings, go for walks, practice her walking skills, play with straps, and eat!! 

How has her personality changed in these short twelve months?

Her personality has just gotten bigger and bigger! She is full of spunk and sass and we love watching her react to the world around her. She is a firecracker for sure!!! 

Describe her place in your family of three.

We do not know what we did before we had her!  She has made our hearts grow so much bigger just by being here! She has added so much joy and love to our family in such a short time. Her smile and laugh are infectious and she is a huge part of what makes our lives so happy and fun! 

What is one thing you don’t want to forget about this stage she is in right now?

This stage has been so much fun and a challenge at the same time! We feel like she is really growing into her personality. She is so spunky and has even started talking back. It is so hard not to laugh at her antics! We love how she doesn’t let let anyone boss her around. The world better watch out, Emmy is one tough little girl!! 

While the world watches out, you can also swoon over her cuteness!  I can’t get enough of these sweet cake pictures.  Happy Birthday, Emmy!  Enjoy your sneak peek.

Parker, Colorado Baby Photographer
Telling YOUR Story






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