Castle Rock, Colorado Newborn Twin Girls Photography | Peyton & Blake

Meet the L Family.  They grew from two to four overnight.  We call them super mamas… ya know them… they carry two babies for nine months and then survive the first weeks (dare I say months) of motherhood on no sleep and somehow do the most amazing job ever at it!  And Daddy L was certainly nothing short of a rock star himself.  The babies are Peyton and Blake and it was an absolute JOY meeting them.  I cannot tell their story without mentioning one of the coolest parts. Mommy L’s best friend from childhood has twin girls herself!  You can see those beautiful girls here when I photographed their smash cake session at a year old.  I hope all four girls end up life long best friends just like their moms!

Here’s the scoop from mommy L:

Describe your pregnancy.  Did they arrive early/late or on time?

My pregnancy was great! I have no complaints other than I got huge my last couple of months and was uncomfortable as any woman is at that point I’m sure. I worked up until 2 days before my induction, that’s how good I felt. They arrived at the latest possible date. We made it the fill 38 weeks and had to be induced that day 4/26. The girls arrived late that same day.

Tell me a little about the day they were born.

I delivered at Castle Rock Adventist hospital (which I would recommend to anyone). The nurses and doctors were phenomenal! The day they were born was long and tough. We went in at 11:30pm Thursday night. They gave me a pill to help get things started at 1am Friday morning. Contractions started and were consistent for 4 hours and got more intense. They checked me at 5am and I dilated only 1cm. So I got another pill and same thing. After 4 hours of contractions I was 1.5cm. So a few hours later they gave me the epidural. The epidural would wear off and they would have to come in and give me more. At about 3pm I was 3cm and they broke Baby A’s water (Peyton). Things started to get real! At 6pm-ish I was 6.5cm and the contractions were coming in hot after that. Made it to 9.5cm at 730 and then they wheeled me back to the OR for delivery at about 8:30pm. I delivered without c-section. It only took Baby B (Blake) 10 minutes to drop after Peyton was born. Then I had to push all over again. I was beat because I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything all day because of the high risk of having a c-section. Only ice chips and popsicles. I had zero energy but with the help of my hubby and the amazing nurses, I made it through. Peyton came out 6lbs, got cleaned off and fell right asleep. Blake came out at 5lbs 10oz and was bright eyed and as calm as could be.

What does adding these two sweethearts to your family mean to you? 

I didn’t know until they arrived that I was meant to be a mom and my husband was meant to be a dad. We both have so much love to give that God knew one baby wasn’t enough for us and he blessed us with two. I couldn’t imagine not having two. The best part is we always have a baby to snuggle with and don’t have to share just one baby. Baby snuggles are the best!

Describe each twin’s personality.

Peyton (Baby A) I loves to sleep. I call her my sloth. She is calm most of the time except when being burped or cold. She hates that. Blake (Baby B) makes the best faces. From pouty to silly and has the best milk face after eating. She loves to look around and take everything in. She is very alert and fights sleep sometimes just to see what’s going on.

For other new mom’s of twins, what are the first few days/weeks like after coming from the hospital? 

It’s challenging figuring out what routine works best for you and the babies but you will figure it out quick. I have a great partner in crime, my husband, so I’d recommend having all the help you can get. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s ok, you don’t have to be super woman all the time. You need to let your body recover. Rest when the babies rest, do worry about messing up because it will happen and you’ll learn from it. Don’t be hard on yourself, the babies will be fine. Give yourself major credit for creating, carrying and delivering two humans! It truly is a miracle. Enjoy all the baby snuggles you can. They are the best!

It is my pleasure to unveil your sneak peek, L Family.  Enjoy!

Parker, Colorado Newborn Photographer
Telling Your Story 






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