Senior Pictures in November in Castle Rock, Colorado | Nolan

Meet Nolan!  He enjoys lacrosse and video games.  It’s not too late in the season to enjoy one more senior on the blog, and thankfully we made it by the yearbook deadline!  I was tickled to hear that he didn’t want senior pictures until he began to see his friend’s pictures.  Senior year is a monumental stepping stone for our young people, and I’m so delighted to be a small part of such big moments in their lives.

Here’s more about Nolan:

What will you miss about high school?

I will miss my friends and seeing them everyday.

Do you have any thoughts on what you’d like to do after graduation?

I want to go to college and study biology at UCCS or CSU.

What are some of your favorite childhood memories?

Building legos with my dad or playing videogames with all of my friends. Scoring my first goal.

Tell me one thing you hope to accomplish your senior year.

I hope to get into the colleges I want to get into.

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

Get better grades earlier on and try harder in school.

Nolan, your goals are ambitious and admirable.  I hope you enjoy studying biology at the school you pick and that you have an incredible senior year!

Parker, Colorado High School Senior Photographer
Telling YOUR Story






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