Summer Senior Pics in Parker, Colorado | Brynn

Meet Brynn!  She’s an impressive young lady with goals to become a doctor.  She’ll be a high school senior at Legend this fall.  I love her work ethic, and her personality that really shines both in her bio below, and without words in her gorgeous senior pictures.  You’ll enjoy reading more about this special young lady.

Tell me about wanting to become a doctor.

I took biology my sophomore year and I had a teacher that also worked as a pathologist.  Sometimes during class, he would tell us about some of the things he did and what it was like in the real world.  The way he described looking at cells and analyzing tissues was super neat.   Also around that same time, I started watching medical shows and loved how the doctors would work to solve the mystery illness and help save people’s lives.

Do you have any thoughts on what you’d like to do after you graduate?

Go to college and eventually go to med school.

What are some of your favorite childhood memories?

Every summer my grandparents and I went to Grand Haven to go camping on the beach. Sometimes we would go on walks into town and we would go into all the fun little shops. Also every Spring break we went to Florida. We would spend hours on the beach looking for seashells.  One time I found the perfect sand dollar (that was a great day and I have so many memories down there).  Another memory is going to amusement parks as a kid.  My favorite is Cedar Point.  We also went to Hershey Park.  I remember my parents buying platform shoes for my sister and me so we were tall enough to ride.  I love roller coasters and would consider myself a bit of an enthusiast!

Tell me one thing you hope to accomplish in your senior year.

I would like to get my phlebotomist certificate and begin working at a hospital.

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

Don’t be afraid to be wrong.  That is how you learn and grow.  Don’t worry about what other people will think of you.

What wonderful memories, and such good advice.  I hope you soar in your senior year and beyond, Brynn!

Parker, Colorado Senior Photographer
Telling YOUR Story  






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