This year’s graduating class can almost hear the sound of the last bell. Yet, what they take away with them is more than just academics. Meet Brianna, class of 2022 at Mountain Vista High School! Some of her takeaways are launching her right into her future, about which I’ll let Brianna be the one to share. Here’s more from her!
Tell me about wanting to go into law school.
I actually became interested in law while trying to fight for religious rights on public campuses. I believe schools are becoming secular from religion, instead of being what the founders intended: separate from religion. I find that the public school system is having detrimental effects on American children, and therefore it is absolutely vital to fight against what is being taught and encouraged in schools in order to protect kids, the future of our nation.
Describe yourself in three words.
I would describe myself as organized, motivated, and confident.
What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
My favorite childhood memories are playing around with my siblings. We used to spend our days catching bunnies and climbing buildings at a high school that was near us. We built dams in the parking lot to make pools in which we swam. We ran, laughed, and we look back on these memories fondly.
What is your advice to the incoming senior class of 2023?
My advice would be to live. It is a beautiful time to not be worried about much that genuinely matters, so live that way while you can! Hang out with friends and go to events; they will be good memories no matter what happens!
Brianna, I couldn’t be more excited to wish you a happy graduation as you finish up your last few days of high school. And I wish you even bigger success in your future plans to engage in our legal system in such a meaningful way. You are a gem!
Parker, Colorado High School Photographer
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