She’s a high school senior! Meet Lily. She’s got a heart of gold because she loves children, and enjoys working with them at her elementary school job. It may turn into a career path for her one day, who knows!? Either way, Lily has a bright future, and just look at that gorgeous smile. Her session was so fun, and she was just a natural on camera.
Here’s more about Lily!
Tell me about why you like working with elementary school kids.
I enjoy working with elementary school kids because I love their energy and they make me smile and laugh daily.
Do you have any thoughts on what you’d like to do after you graduate?
After I graduate high school, I know I want to go to college for sure and I want to be able to travel as well.
What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
Some of my favorite childhood memories would include traveling with my family every year and playing soccer.
Tell me one thing you hope to accomplish your senior year.
One thing I hope to accomplish my senior year would be to get all A’s in school.
If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
If I could tell my younger self one thing it would be to not take myself so seriously.
Lily, it was such a joy to photograph you! I hope you have a wonderful senior year.
Parker, Colorado High School Senior Photographer
Telling YOUR Story