Garden Lessons 4

It’s an honor to see you back for the final post in this series.  As promised,  I have a gift for you at the end!  If you missed any of the previous posts, you can catch up here:

Garden Lessons 1
Garden Lessons 2
Garden Lessons 3

A Folded Piece of Paper
By now, we’ve been chatting for about an hour on my back patio.  The sun’s position has gradually changed, so I adjust the tilt of the umbrella to continue to provide shade for us on this beautiful summer day.  While I’m at it, I refill your iced tea and scribble something down on a piece of paper.  I tuck the folded mystery paper into your hand and tell you that you have to wait to read it until you get home.  I tell you it’s my gift to you for sharing in such rich conversation today!  Curiously, you slip the paper into your pocket and sip your second glass of iced tea as we pick up where we left off in our conversation about the lessons of the garden.

Weeds are NOT delicate
I ask if you’ve ever noticed how weeds THRIVE in almost any environment!  Don’t worry about neglect, they’ll still be there.  And they seem to grow HUGE overnight!  Without any notice, the weeds in my heart ruin my garden so quickly.  

Seeing My Own Weeds
Others can see many of my weeds, and sometimes I can see others’ weeds too.  The problem with my own weeds is that I often don’t see them well AT ALL.  I’m pretty sure the biggest, ugliest weed of all – pride – is to blame.  

A New Garden Isn’t the Answer – New Habits Are
Even though I considered new sod when mine had problems, it wasn’t the best answer.  Sure, that would have been the easier route to go – at the beginning.  I believe this is why so many marriages fail.  Rather than ripping out the old and starting new, what was needed for my lawn was care, attention to weeds, water, sun, nutrition, and time.  Treating new sod according to my old habits would eventually result in the same thing – dead grass.  The problem was me.  I needed to learn how to care for my garden.  I needed to invest the time.  I needed to do the work, doing just a little at a time, developing new habits, and then being patient for the results.  I think the hours of investment I’ve been spending are instilling in me a desire to maintain my lawn better, both now and in summers to come.  I certainly don’t want to end up here again!  Too, the work I put into my spiritual life, into matters of the heart, little by little, helps me develop habits that last.  Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved easily or quickly.  But it’s worth it.

The MOST Important Part of the Garden – the Gardner
A gardener is the spirit of the garden, the organizing force, the heart and soul of it all.   – Jeff Cox

This quote, which I love by the way, is speaking of an actual garden.  But I’d like to capitalize the “G” (Gardener) – and note how true it is of the garden of the heart too.  When Jesus becomes the Gardener, and I invite Him to be the heart and soul of the garden of my heart, the organizer, the Spirit of my garden, oh how lovely of a garden it becomes!

The Conclusion of the Entire Matter
There is much talk these days about “self-care”.  Self-care is useless and empty if you and I don’t allow “heart-care” too – letting the Gardener be the one to tend.  Not everyone will go there, because it hurts to be told there are weeds.  And it hurts even more to have the weeds pulled – until they’re gone that is (then comes freedom).  I have come to the true conclusion of the entire matter.  I am NOT the gardener of my heart.  I can take care of my physical needs, sure.  But I am also a spiritual being.  My spirit was created to fellowship with the God who made me.  And it is the condition of the soil of my heart where I either let the Gardener into the garden to do His work, or keep Him out.  He is such a loving, patient, Master Gardener.

The Folded Paper – A GIFT For You
We end our conversation when you tell me that you’ve enjoyed our time thoroughly, but you really must go.  You’re inspired to return to your own garden today to let the Gardener do some tending.  After we say our goodbyes and the front door closes, you’re left standing on my front porch with the folded piece of paper I gave you still tucked in your pocket.  Curiosity gets the best of you, so you pull it out to peek at its contents.  It says:


Loved our conversations today!  Remember: The Gardener, Jesus is the spirit of the garden, the heart and soul of it all.

Here’s a gift for you!  Try this recipe for your own lawn.

Love, Jamie

Jerry Baker’s Lawn Care Recipe
1 can beer
1/2 cup lawn food – like Miracle Grow
1/2 cup dish soap
1 cup household ammonia
1/2 cup corn syrup or clear molasses

Pour it into your 20 gal Hose and Sprayer (look it up if you don’t have one).  Covers about 500 sq ft.  Apply in the morning hours, once every 3 weeks.  Your trees, shrubs, evergreens, and flowers will also love it.


I hope you’ve enjoyed these garden lessons as much as I have.  By the way, I’m on feeding number three of this interesting lawn care recipe, and so far, I’ve seen great results.  Between my careful attention to the weeds, and the recipe I gave you, my lawn is returning strong… and the garden lessons to my heart are taking root too.

Click here to visit other HIDDEN IN MY HEART posts.






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