This guy is one of kind! Meet Josh! He’s in the graduating class of 2020. He’s funny, super smart, and has a wonderful charm to go along with it! He and his family are pretty special to me because they were the first family behind my camera (EVER!) something like eight years ago. I am blessed to call them friends. Seriously, they have blessed me greatly just knowing them (we go pretty far back now) and it’s been so special to watch Josh grow into the young man he is today. I think you will enjoy hearing more from Josh himself!
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about having fun, playing games, reading, and enjoying being with friends.
Do you have any thoughts on college and what you may want to study?
I want to try to study animation, and apply it to game design or movie design. It would be fun, useful and has many different applications as well.
What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
I have a few favorite childhood memories. One time, when I was very young, like around 3 or 4, on a couple of seperate occasions, I would go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I would bring along my teddy bear, and after going, I did not move from the toilet and fell asleep there a few times. It is always fun to remember that, and my parents never let me forget it anyway. Another memory was when I got my first video game. I saved up for it myself and was the first time I made a big purchase like that. I was about age 7 or 8 when I did. The game was Skylanders, and was a very important time for me, as it was what brought me most into gaming, which is my favorite pastime today.
Tell me one thing you hope to accomplish your senior year.
In senior year, I hope to have fun and do well for college applications. I just want to be secure in the future, while also not trying to worry too much on it. I want to enjoy my time in that year, and not regret it in the future.
If you could tell the younger you one thing, what would it be?
If I could tell my younger self one thing, it would be to enjoy myself more, and not to be so serious about some things. It is good to be mature, but also to have fun while you are young.
Thanks, Josh, for giving us such a cool look into your life! I absolutely love your senior pictures and hope that this year turns out to be incredible! Hugs to you!!
Parker Colorado Senior Photographer
Telling YOUR Story