This guy! He built his own car, and loves to film and take pictures. Meet Ryan! He’s also into music, camping, hiking, fishing, and all things outdoors. In short, he’s got a passion for adventure and his creative side is inspiring. I even got to see some of Ryan’s beautiful photography (what amazing talent!). It was an honor to meet him and be a part of his high school senior year. Here’s more about Ryan.
Where do you go to school?
I go to Legend High School
Tell me what you are passionate about
I am passionate about hard work and doing what I love. I love photography, cinematography, music, cars, and food.
What are some classes you hope to take in college (even if it’s just for fun)
I want to go to school to be an electrical or civil engineer. For these degrees, I will have to take many MANY math and physics classes, so that will be what I am taking mainly. I hope to also incorporate my love for digital art into my curriculum and take some classes that allow me to express my creativity in this field.
Where do you want to go to school?
I hope to go to ASU Polytechnic in Mesa AZ.
Tell me some of your favorite childhood memories.
All of my favorite memories involve traveling with my family. Wherever we go, I am always happy. I love to just get out of the house and go camping or off-roading in the mountains. I have a feeling that I will be a life-long traveler.
What do you like to film and photograph?
Most of my current film and photo projects involve nature or my car. I am starting to make personal adventure films of the places that we go camping or take trips to. These are becoming more enjoyable to make as I strengthen my editing skills and involve more multi angle or media type elements. I have a strong passion for simplicity and simplistic graphic elements in design, and I tend to incorporate these feelings into the art that I create. In the future, I hope to get involved more into vlogging my trips with voice overs and more complicated cuts, and starting in portrait photography.
Tell me one thing you hope to accomplish your senior year.
Really all I need to do now is apply for my school and graduate. I have completed all of my community service hours for my high school career, and I hope to continue this throughout my college career.
Ryan, your talents impress the socks off of me. I can’t wait to hear what you do with all of the natural abilities you’ve been given. I hope your passions will turn into a fulfilling life long career. You are going to go far! Enjoy your senior year of high school and your sneak peek!
Parker, Colorado High School Senior Photographer
Telling Your Story