Many times we observe giants in the faith and think, what do they have that I am lacking? Most often it is the simplicity of doing things we already know. Spending regular time seeking God through His word, choosing to worship God through our choices, actions and in the deepest places of our hearts, and developing our prayer life into one that is vibrant and constant; these are the foundational components to a rich faith.
And even so, at times we passionately pursue Jesus, yet become discouraged when our prayers seem to fall short of hitting heaven and aren’t seemingly (to us) turning the ear and heart of our Father.
This was true of a woman in Jesus day. She was a Gentile woman and she came to Jesus asking for a miracle on behalf of her demon-possessed daughter. The account says that when she approached Jesus asking for mercy and help, “…He answered her not a word.” (Matthew 15:23).
When the woman wasn’t getting the response she desired from Jesus, she didn’t become bitter, or angry. She didn’t walk away from Jesus depressed, or feeling rejected. Rather, she pressed into Jesus even CLOSER, with persistence, and she worshiped.
“Then she came and worshiped Him…” Matthew 15:25 NKJV
This may seem hard to do when the answer we are hoping from heaven is seemingly far away. When God isn’t answering, not even a word, our prayers often cease and we do what I call withdrawing from the battlefield of prayer. We allow hopelessness to steal our joy and discouragement to take residence in our hearts.
Oh, follower of Jesus! Let your response be the same as this woman. When you’re being answered “not a word,” let it draw you to worship. Let THIS worship be the place of your heart, as you wait upon the Lord, renewed in your strength (Isaiah 40:31). May your answer be from heaven, in the Lord’s timing, and according to His will, the same as His answer to this humble woman: “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” (Matthew 15:28)
When there’s no answer from heaven… worship!
Then He [Jesus] spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart… Luke 18:1 NKJV
Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:8 NKJV