Tag Archives: hidden in my heart

Perspective Shift

COVID-19 has us all on edge.  Constant hand washing has even those among us who aren’t germophobes, wondering what germs we’re encountering with every public place we visit.  For some, there’s a genuine fear of becoming sick from something that only a few weeks ago we didn’t know existed.  For others it’s the fear of...

The Morning Watch | Hidden In My Heart


I know first hand of its importance, and beauty, and I also know of the subtle, slow, devastating impact of its neglect.  Beginning my day with Jesus is called “the morning watch” according to Andrew Murray in his book, The Inner Chamber.  I’ve always said that the greatest danger to my spiritual growth is self-reliance.  Oh...


Recently, I was reminded of the story of my precious son.  Oh how precious he is to me!  Even before he was born, I had an indescribable love for him.  I think it’s this love that we experience as a parent that God uses to show us His own love that is unmeasurable for us! ...






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