Late Summer Outdoor Maternity Session in Parker, Colorado

The excitement of seeing their late summer outdoor maternity pictures pales in comparison to the anticipation of meeting their baby! The nine months of waiting is part of the journey and a very special one for sure! I love the tenderness in which my son kisses his bride on her forehead, and the way he cradles mom’s belly and then moves his hands up to feel his child inside wiggle, move, and kick.

These sweet parents-to-be are my kids! My son, and his wife. Their outdoor maternity session was just a week after their indoor studio maternity session which you can take a look at here.

Here’s more from mama-to-be!

How many weeks are you?

I am currently thirty-two weeks and one day.

Tell me about the anticipation of bay’s arrival (are you nervous, excited, both?)

I’m really excited to meet baby. I’m a little nervous but I feel like the Lord has given me peace about both the delivery and parenting.

What is your shower theme and do you have a nursery theme?

The shower theme is Peter Rabbit (I love bunnies) but the nursery is woodland themed. Ben and I like nature and wanted a calming environment for him.

What factors are going into your decisions about his name?

We have a small list of baby boy names, but will wait to see his little face to choose. Some things that might affect our decision is hair color, distinguishable traits, or even personality.

When is baby the most active?

Baby is definitely the most active at night, specially around eight or nine o’clock.

Baby Herrera, you are loved! We’re praying for you little guy and I can’t wait to tell you all the stories about your daddy! You will wonder what kind of kid he was, and if you’re anything like him–you’re going to be a sweet, adorable little guy who is kind, strong, compliant, and interested in the world around you. And then you’ll get to be a teenager. And I hope by then you will be just like your mom–smart, dedicated, loving, thoughtful of others, and not afraid to do hard things. And by the time you’re an adult, I hope you will have all the wonderful qualities of each of them combined. Go easy on your parents. And don’t ever forget how much they love you–even before they met you.

-Jamie (Grandma–yikes)
Parker, Colorado Maternity Photographer
Telling YOUR Story

Baby has arrived!!!! Visit Their Hospital Fresh 48 Session Here!!






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