I sat on the beach in darkness, awaiting the sunrise. Its soon arrival was evidenced by a small, growing glow in the early morning sky. I listened to the peaceful rhythm and loud roar of the dark waves while I waited. As the rotation of the earth moved ever so slowly toward the sun, I began to more clearly make out the details of the beauty before me. Light was emerging and I became a spectator of the grand performance of unfolding glory that was becoming more and more spectacular with each passing minute. As the sun came nearer and nearer to the horizon, the brilliance of the emerging light caused my thoughts to deeply ponder what my physical senses alone could not behold. Without any audible words, I worshiped God in my spirit who created such wonder, completely amazed at His ways. It was then that I noticed something of intrigue—reflection. The soft touch of warm color on the waves of the Caribbean Sea was a reflection of the pink hues developing in the sky. The sky’s increasing magnificence were clouds reflecting the rising sun. The washed up seaweed on the beach and the rocks on the water’s edge shimmered as the light bounced off of them and reflected into my eyes. Everything I could see was reflecting the arriving light of the morning with such beauty it overwhelmed me. It dawned on me, Your creation was made to reflect, and so was I. I spoke the words back to the One who put them into my heart. God’s whisper of truth left me speechless as I thought about the words of the Psalmist, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers…”
What am I reflecting? My difficult circumstances? Disappointments? Emotions like anger, anxiety and fear? Lost hope and dreams? Despair? The ungodly influences of a non-believing world? Political turmoil? My hobbies? My passions and pursuits? My career? My achievements and goals? The things or people I spend the most time with?
None of these things are what I was made to reflect. Just like the rest of His creation, but even more so, I was made to reflect the glory of God!