She’s two and she giggles when her daddy plays with her. Her name is A. Her sister is four months (L), and content to let A be in the spotlight (for now, but not for long). This adorable family rocked their session and we had fun playing on a mid-November evening in Parker, Colorado. Although the air had a slight November chill, it was pleasant to be outside, and simply beautiful as the sun began to set. I’m in love with the results! Here’s a little more about them from Mom.
How long have you been married?
M and I have been married for 5 years!
How does adding little L to the family change the dynamic?
Well, as I am sure every parent with more than one kid will tell you, that it has been a big transition and we are even busier! But it honestly feels like she was always meant to be with us.
What makes little A laugh?
We are incredible lucky and A is a quick as a whip, she loves rhymes and songs and has this memory that blows us away. She loves to be silly and make jokes and her dad is the best at making her crack a smile or giggle.
Describe your sweet girls’ personalities.
A is serious and very emotionally aware, she will let you know how she is feeling and what she wants and when she wants it (now!). L is quiet and more laid back, she is a great baby and seems very happy to just go with the flow.
What your family means to you?
Family is so important to us, we are so lucky to have landed in Colorado so we can share with our extended family and enjoy as our family grows.
Each and every year around Thanksgiving, I get all sentimental over my clients. I am SO THANKFUL for each and every one of you for entrusting me with your memories. It is an honor and a joy! HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU ALL, whether you’re a reader, some of my beloved clients, or a future family that I cannot wait to photograph! And now to this sweet family… ENJOY your sneak peek!
Parker, Colorado Family Photographer
Telling Your Story