Family Photographer in Parker, CO

Meet the S Family!  Mommy A and kids M,I,B & E.  These children are precious to me, and I just adore their mom!  This was a very special photo shoot!  I loved capturing the tenderness that is shared between this mom and her children.  I just had a dear friend pass away, leaving behind a high school son.  I wanted to tell her son of the great love a mom has for her child, and the incredible love his mom had for him.  I realized though that I would not be telling him something he didn’t already know, and I also realized words would not be adequate to describe the place in his mom’s heart that he held.  A mom’s job is not easy, but we’re motivated by the love we have been given that goes so deep we would even give up our own life for them.  Mommy A is no exception.  I admire her love and care for these precious little ones the Lord has given her as blessings.  She is such a good mom and these kids are a testimony to it.  Mommy A, here is your sneak peek!  I’m so excited to unveil it for you.







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