The Gift of Love

I’m head over heals in love with these faded images.  I’ve been trying to figure out why I adore them so much, and I think it’s because they have the power to tell a story so vivdly without using any words at all.  It’s one of the many reasons I love photography to begin with.  It is a moment in the history of our lives, captured forever.  It’s the closest we can humanly get to stopping time in an effort to hold onto a treasured memory for the rest our existence.  Words cannot adequately describe what it is like to experience one of the greatest gifts of God, the capacity to love.  It’s no wonder that out of faith, hope and love, we are told the greatest of these is love.  The expression of love is breathtakingly beautiful as it is woven throughout the story of our lives.  Perhaps that is just a portion of why these meaningful images touch my heart so deeply.







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