Newborn Photos in My Home | Chester

Meet Chester!  He’s boy #3 to this blessed family.  What a joy filled home they will have, both now and to come.  Little Chester was born at eight pounds, five ounces of pure sweetness.  His adoring brothers love him already.  Here’s more about this adorable family of five:

Tell me about the anticipation of his arrival.

We have been so excited to see our three boys build what will hopefully be a life long bond! 

How was your delivery experience?

He came very quickly so it was a very tense delivery! Labor started in the middle of the night so with two other kids at home it was a scramble to have family come watch our two sleeping older ones while we rushed to the hospital. 

What does adding Chester to your family of five mean to you?

He has added so much joy. We love seeing our older two boys interact with him and care for him. They are great big brothers. 

Describe his personality.

So far he is a relaxed baby who just loves being held! 

B Family, thank you for the honor of being welcomed back into your home again for such a wonderful occasion.  Your growing family reminds me of my own.  Enjoy all the precious boy snuggles x3 – and your sneak peek!

Parker, Colorado Newborn Photographer

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