Two Year Old Family Pictures in Castle Pines, Colorado

Two year olds are absolutely the best!  And it’s hard to believe that this much time has passed since I first met this family when little M was just born.  She’s been a Baby Plan member, so we captured all the sweet stages of her first year (sitting, and of course her first birthday).  Some of her pictures have made it to my all time favorites list!  I’m delighted that this family is back for their last Baby Plan session.  What a joy it’s been!

Here’s more about this family:

How old is M now?  

She is 28 months going on 5 years.

What does your family enjoy doing together? 

We love to travel (when possible), walk the dog, and go to the park together.

What makes you guys laugh together? 

M is so funny, she has us in stitches most of the time.

What is one thing about this season of life that you don’t want to forget?  

I don’t want to forget how cute and snuggly M is.  We know it won’t last long, so we’re trying to squeeze all of the snuggles out of her as possible.

Describe what your family means to you.  

Pure Love!

F Family, what a sweet two years it’s been knowing you.  You’ve got an adorable daughter, and I think she could have a career in baby modeling.  But you’ve known that for quite some time.  Enjoy your sneak peek!

Parker, Colorado Family Photographer
Telling YOUR Story






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