Meet Bradley! He’s a super impressive, good-looking young man who loves all things football and automotive! I think his goals are ambitious and admirable. I love that he’s interested in pursuing the things that he’s good at and enjoys. Bradley was so kind to tell me (and you) all about them!
What are you passionate about?
I’m passionate about football, I love cars and anything with an engine.
Do you have any thoughts on what you’d like to do after you graduate?
I’d like to become an automotive engineer and help design and build amazing vehicles.
What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
Going to Disneyland in California as a surprise gift.
Tell me one thing you hope to accomplish your senior year.
I’d like to receive an offer for an athletic scholarship.
If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
Don’t stress too much, life flies by. Enjoy the now and look forward to the future but don’t stress about it.
Bradley, you’ve got a kind heart and a gorgeous smile. Those two things alone will take you super far, not to mention all of your ambition to achieve some pretty awesome things. I wish for you the best in each of them, and I’m pretty confident I’ll be cheering you on when you’re playing football in college. Keep reaching high with true purpose found in Jesus!
Parker, Colorado Senior Photographer
Telling YOUR Story