
I’m drawn to this word: substitution.  It has meaning that goes deep into my soul.

I’m equally drawn to what it means to be a bondservant and find that there is an intriguing correlation between the two.

Here’s a story told by Tom Elliff:

“In England, a man paid an exorbitant price for a slave on an auction block. And in the wagon on the way home, the slave laughed at the man and said, “You know, in less than two weeks England will abolish slavery, and you have paid all this money.” He said, “I bought you so that I could set you free.” And the man fell on the floor of the wagon and said, “I will serve you then for the rest of my life.”

I too was a slave. My slavery was to sin and the wages of my sin were death.  Jesus was sent by God to be a substitution for the wages I owed, through the provision of perfect blood that would clear me of my debt.  It was Jesus blood—and the price He had to pay to purchase me was very high—His own life.  Jesus became MY substitute there on the cross of Calvary, taking the punishment for me, dying for me.  I have now been purchased to be made free from slavery-and free I’ve become!

Just as in the story of the English slave, it is now my choosing to accept the position of bondservant, serving my Master for the rest of my life.  It is an act of love and gratitude toward the greatest gift of freedom I’ve ever been given.  Therefore I proudly wear the name servant-bondservant of Jesus Christ.

For anyone reading this who is being drawn by these words, perhaps God is calling you to accept your freedom that cost Him so much if you’ve never done that before.  You are a slave, but maybe you’ve never realized it.  If you will simply admit that you too (like me) are a sinner in need of forgiveness, God promises to forgive your sin and cover you in the shadow of the cross, clearing your debt and setting you free.  That’s is simply the only way to salvation, and eternal life with God.

But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life.  Romans 6:22 NKJV






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