
It was the phrasing that struck me deeply.  Mary’s time had come to have her baby.  Luke writes about the spectacular event that would change history and the human heart forever:

“And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.”  Luke 2:6 KJV

DELIVERED.  Mary’s time had come to be delivered.  Not just to deliver a baby, although that she would indeed do.  But this baby had come to deliver HER.  Death on Roman cross was His destiny.  The baby she held was sent by God to deliver her… to deliver the entire world!  Deliverance from what?  Death and sin.

Blessed.  I am blessed that my time too came.  The time had come for ME to be delivered at the moment I believed.  I accepted His life, His death and His resurrection was for ME.  It’s was for YOU.  Oh the JOY that enters in when one believes.

May it resonate deep within your heart as now the presents are all unwrapped, the decorations are beginning to look droopy and the thrill and anticipation of Christmas day has come and gone, that God’s word remains.  His truth is alive and the anticipation of the Savior’s promise to soon return gives us continual hope.  Blessed are those who when the Master comes are found watching.  Watching for what?  For HIM!  JESUS!  He’s coming again.  He promised it.  As faithfully as He came the first time, He will come again.

Merry Christmas and a joyful and happy New Year to all my faithful readers!!







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