The Lord has made it abundantly clear to me how much I MUST depend on His Word. I haven’t always seen the benefit. I would hear God’s Word at church and maybe read a few devotionals here and there. But my true growth in the things of the Lord will only happen when my heart is shaped by the Word of God. The only way for that to happen consistently, is to read it.
Another lesson God has brought me face to face with is that my time in His Word doesn’t need to feel like a chore. It’s not to be looked at as part of my “to do” list, nor is it a requirement I must keep. God desires that my time in His Word be all about seeking Him, and desiring to know Him. When I started doing that, do you know what happened? It was an explosion of deep love for His Word and for my Creator. I cannot get enough! His Word is rich, and full. It’s the manual for my life. It’s the very Spirit of God speaking to the hearts of His children.
I also needed to learn HOW to study the Bible. I had always just fanned the pages and let it land in a random place. That where I would read! Or I would sometimes just read the verses I had highlighted in my Bible, thinking I should be reminded of those scriptures that stirred me. I realize now that I was missing A LOT! I need the full council of God. So here’s what I do. I read an entire book of the Bible at a time. Often I will go back and forth between an Old Testiment book, followed by a New Testiment book. It has been my goal to read through the entire Word of God, and I’m almost there!
Another lesson in this journey has been about commentaries and study Bibles. I appreciate commentaries and study Bibles but the Lord also showed me how I was too dependent on them. I needed to glean what he had for ME through His Word alone. Commentaries, study notes and devotionals are MAN’s opinion of God’s Word. They aren’t God’s own words and are never a good replacement for the Word itself. I still use commentaries, so that isn’t the point. The point is that His Word is the best commentary for His Word–and I needed to be filled with HIS WORD and let HIM teach me through it.
Some Bible’s have a column down the middle of the page that has a bunch of cross references. My Bible calls it a “center column.” If you haven’t discovered this wonderful resource, it is FABULOUS! If you find yourself scratching your head in any particular place, or wanting another verse that gives further insight into the place you are reading, you can cross reference using the chapter and verse…
Let me give you an example: let’s just say you are reading in John chapter 1. The first few verses say,
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.” John 1:1-2 NKJV.
We see further down in this text, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14), so it’s talking about Jesus here in John 1. So Jesus was with God in the beginning, hu?
Stay with me… this is about to get really cool.
SO, my Bible has a little letter “a” at the beginning of John 1:2 “a He was with God in the beginning.” So I look to the “center column” and find John 1:2 a. It cross references Genesis 1:1. So I flip over to Genesis and read, “In the beginning God created the heavens at the earth.” Now I have learned from SCRIPTURE that the “beginning” referenced in John 1:2 is actually the same beginning in Genesis 1:1 and that the Word (Jesus) was with God when He created the world. That is so awesome!!
I strongly encourage you to go to God’s Word daily. Don’t settle for just reading it as a chore or something to feel guilty about when you don’t do it; dig, study, learn and be ready to see the POWER OF GOD work in your life! If you’re already in God’s Word regularly, then preserver through any dry seasons and discipline yourself to remain in His Word and abide in Him. Pray over where He will have you reading. Pray over your time in the Word before you begin. Ask Him to lead you, to teach you and to bring richness to your time with Him. It is a discipline, I believe, but it won’t be a chore. It will become your nourishment. Read a Psalm every morning. Read scripture to your children. Read a New Testiment book in the morning, and an Old Testiment book in the evening. It doesn’t matter! Just read His Word.
“Unless your law had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.” Psalm 119:92 NKJV
Father, I pray that my heart will resemble the heart of the Psalmist; may I be quick to obey when you tell me to seek your face. I want to value your Word more than life itself. Help me to make you a priority.