Next month begins my tenth year in business and I invite you to celebrate with me!  Pop the champagne!!  Nine years ago I registered with the state of Colorado, nervous that there was more I didn’t know than what I did about know about running a business.  

In anticipation of this HUGE anniversary, I got to work on an updated website experience and it’s finally ready.  I’d like to invite you to see everything new: all the pages, all the pictures, all the links, all the goodness!

But wait, there’s more! In addition to the launch, I’m offering nine days of savings on wall collections to celebrate. Each day, a different collection will be featured, at a special anniversary price! If you’ve been considering something beautiful for your walls, these nine days are the perfect time to reach out! Stay tuned to Facebook each day to see which collection is on sale!

Follow me on Facebook here.

If you will allow, I will lead you through the pages of my site like I would a tour of my newly remodeled home.  As if you walked in through my front door, you’ll be greeted with a warm smile and excitement as I point to each piece of decor that was thoughtfully and artistically placed.  But before I begin the grand tour, I’d like to take a moment to share from the heart, and tell you a little bit more about the girl behind the camera.

I started out nine years ago, not sure if anyone would want to hire me, but willing to try.  My beginnings were small.  What am I saying?  I’m still pretty small!  But those early years were REALLY small.  I remember feeling so blessed that my small profits could pay for equipment upgrades and increased education so I could continue growing.

The first time someone told me they found me online, I was floored.  If I recall, I was still in my first or second year of business.  How in the world did my website get found in a sea of photographers?  When I say heaven only knows, I mean it.  I credit my Lord Jesus for that.  Then and now, I genuinely thank Him in my prayers continually FOR ALL OF YOU who have entrusted me with your precious families and hired me to be a part of your lives.  That sweet family I just mentioned that was the first to find me online has returned every year since, and I have nothing but love in my heart and gratitude for them, and all of you.

Now, let the formal tour begin with a few things I hope stand out:

I’ve always felt like I manage, or better stated… awkwardly juggle… four unique brands (newborn, baby, family, seniors).  I want my users to have a more seamless experience when they visit since they are likely only there for one of them.  I’m excited about the solutions I created to introduce them all, giving opportunity to easily select the one you’re there for.  Don’t miss the getting started section on various pages.

For YEARS my clients have asked me which sessions I enjoy most.  I’ve honestly answered that it’s the one I’m doing right then.  However, being asked this over and over has given me the opportunity to do some deep soul searching, and I realized that there’s an added spark of excitement when I serve my newborn families.  The miracle, the newness of life, all the tiny baby features, and the love of a family for their little ones had me at hello.  The homepage reflects this, while still giving opportunity to serve families and seniors. After all, I aim to win my newborn client’s hearts for life, and serve their families as they grow.

Visit the homepage here.

This is my mission and who I am.  I hope you will read it and be inspired to consider the importance of your next session with me!  Some have shared that my words made them cry.  Don’t worry, there’s Kleenex for you there on the side table beside the couch if you need it.

Visit the about page here.

Finally, the blog makes me so happy!  The solutions for a seamless experience across all my brands was extended to the blog.  Now, you can select the session type you’d like to explore in order to see galleries, read client stories, and get lost in another world while you visit, specific to just what YOU want to see. 

Visit the blog here.

Finally, don’t miss the client testimonials, the new menu organization, and every single detail I added with intention, all for your experience.  Let me pour you a cup of coffee as we begin!  And may I express my sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU for all of your support.

Cheers to nine years, and many more!

Parker, Colorado Newborn, Family, and Senior Photographer
Telling YOUR Story

Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook for your chance to warm the walls of your heart and your home with a wall collection during the 9 days of anniversary sales, beginning today. You may also want to check out the catalog.






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