Baby One Year Old Spring Photography in Parker, Colorado | Kyla

Spring is in the air!  Meet Kyla!  This little beauty is just on the brink of turning one and the celebrations brought us to the gorgeous outdoors where this family’s love for one another ignited a magical session.  Coming out of the hibernation season of winter in Colorado makes spring such a joyful time to photograph!  Little Kyla was enjoying the beauty of the birds chirping, the warm air, and the light breeze that rustled the newly budding leaves on the trees.  There’s not a season I enjoy more than the one we’re in!

Here’s more about little Kyla from mom:

What are Kyla’s favorite things to do?

Kyla loves to dance, feed herself, build blocks and puzzles, walk, and explore.

What makes her laugh?

Kyla laughs at Daddy’s silly jokes, hide and seek, and kisses on the belly.

What are some of Kyla’s recent milestones?

Kyla loves expressing herself with hand gestures and sign language, building mini towers with blocks, turning pages while reading, and mastering object permanence.

F Family, what an honor to be a part of these memorable pictures.  Enjoy your sneak peek!

Parker, Colorado Family Photographer
Telling YOUR Story






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