Newborn Photography in Parker, Colorado | Ainsley

Meet little miss Ainsley!  To be welcomed into their home again, after two years, is such an honor.  I first met this family when their little guy was born.  You can see his newborn session here.  Little Ainsley is the perfect completion to this sweet family.  Her tiny cry, her sweet smelling head, her precious little fingers and toes, have left this family madly in love all over again.  Here’s more from Mom:

Tell me about the anticipation of her arrival.  

We were very excited to meet our little girl and the anticipation was different than our first.  A lot less nerves due to familiarity of the birth and having a newborn. We couldn’t wait to see how big brother was going to react. 

How was your delivery experience? 

The delivery was completely different than my first pregnancy. It was a scheduled induction that was challenging but went much better than anticipated. 

What does adding Ainsley to your family of four mean to you?  

We feel our family is now complete. It melts our heart to see how much her big brother adores his baby sister. We feel so blessed to have a boy and a girl to complete our family of four. 

Describe her personality.  

Ainsley is full of spunk, and loves to eat. She is extremely alert and expressive when awake. Oh, and did I mention she is freakishly strong! 

How much did she weigh at birth? 

Ainsley weighed 6lb 13oz at birth. 

F Family, I love the softness of your selected color pallet, and how teeny tiny little miss Ainsley looks.  This is such a precious time for you, and I wish you the best, and more, as you care for your little ones.

Parker, Colorado Newborn Photographer
Telling YOUR Story







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