On the heels of my own son’s high school graduation, I’d like to share a little bit about what it’s like to be a mom. If I were to try to sum it up in a single word, “hard” comes to mind. After twenty one years of motherhood, I’ve learned a thing or two about hard.
It’s hard when your baby is crying and you don’t know what they need.
It’s hard when your little one is sick and you’re helpless to take it away.
It’s hard when your toddler falls down and scrapes their knees.
It’s hard to drop them off on the first day of Kindergarten.
It’s hard when they’ve been bullied on the playground.
It’s hard to see their young heart broken after their first breakup.
It’s hard when they are mad at you, especially when you don’t know why.
It’s hard when you know their world is caving in, and they don’t want to talk.
It’s hard to see them at times not reaching the potential you’ve always seen in them.
It’s hard when their teenage years hit rough patches.
It’s hard to sit at high school graduation, cherishing all the years of the best and most beloved memories together as the chapter on their childhood closes.
It’s hard to see them spread their wings and fly.
What truly makes all of these things hard, is love. But that’s what makes it so wonderful too. Because motherhood is really the best kind of hard and the best kind of love.
So the next time I’m faced with the hard, I’ll remember that it wouldn’t be so hard if I didn’t love them so much. And that love will be the reminder to stay the course, do the next thing, and just keep loving them. Because I don’t think that will EVER change.
Cheers to every mom out there who knows exactly what I mean.
Parker, Colorado Photographer
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