Tag Archives: christian blog

Perspective Shift

COVID-19 has us all on edge.  Constant hand washing has even those among us who aren’t germophobes, wondering what germs we’re encountering with every public place we visit.  For some, there’s a genuine fear of becoming sick from something that only a few weeks ago we didn’t know existed.  For others it’s the fear of...

Behold Your King


It’s Holy Week.  I’m not one who typically rushes to celebrate the traditional Christian holidays, like Easter.  Don’t get me wrong, I love to remember and celebrate what God accomplished through his Son, Jesus.  His death and resurrection is something I remember daily and it means more to me than life itself because this event...

Tempest | Now I See You

Job.  Yes, Job.  We love Job.  But we shutter at his story. Permission from God Most High was granted to Satan to bring great trouble to Job.  It’s disheartening to read, but also encourages the weariest of hearts.  Perhaps one of the most moving is Job’s initial response to his devastation.  It was worship.  It...


Anxiety, it’s a powerful emotion, one that can overwhelm your heart, mind, soul and everything in your being.  It just plain stinks, and it sometimes feels like you’re trapped inside your own feelings and circumstances, without any escape.  It can literally feel like you’re in a hole with a mound of dirt being shoveled on...


TEN THINGS I’VE LEARNED ABOUT PARENTING 1. I’m not a perfect parent This is hard to accept, because if I had my way I would be perfect.  Despite my failures, God’s gives grace.  When my children are in rebellion, the tactic of the enemy is to rest all the blame heavily on my imperfections, causing...

New Mercy

Everyone resonates with a fresh start, a new beginning, a “do over” at the emergence of each new year.  Yet, how quickly the goals aren’t reached and the intensity for those things we sought passionately to pursue, dissolves. It occurred to me that each day we’re given this same fresh start, too often reserved in...

Impart Grace

My heart just dances to know that the God of heaven will speak to me, delights in me, and the depth to which He will take me to show me the way HE has for my life, my choices, my attitudes and most importantly, my heart. One such lesson for my heart is found in...






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